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Five Christmas Traditions to Start When Your Child is a Toddler

Five Christmas Traditions to Start When Your Child is a Toddler

Five Christmas Traditions to Start When Your Child is a Toddler

With the festive season fast approaching, thoughts turn to Christmas lists and what might be lying under the Christmas tree come December 25th. As parents, we want to make this season magical and memorable for our children, just like your parents did for you! If you think back to your own childhood, there may well be one or two presents that you remember opening where you really felt the magic of Christmas, but I’ll bet that it’s the memories of Christmas traditions that have really stayed with you. So as we approach the festive season, here are some ideas of traditions which you can begin with your family, creating beautiful memories that you’ll all treasure.

What should I get my child for Christmas this year?

Let’s be honest, out of the piles of presents that children often get for Christmas, it’s usually only one or two of the beautifully wrapped gifts that make it to the top spot in your child’s eyes, or more often than not, the wrapping and box the gift came in are the best part! So when it comes to deciding what gifts to get your child, why not consider the following:

Something they want, something they need, something to wear and something to read

I can’t claim to have made this rhyme up, (I don’t remember where I first heard it!) but I do use it for my children every year. Not only has it saved us a fortune but it has also ensured we aren’t left with cupboards full of unused toys.

If your child’s toy cupboard does need an update, I would really encourage you to think about what toys are going to last your child through their early years and are open ended. Quality toys, that are open ended i.e. have multiple uses, are really important to Rosa & Bo, our toys are built to last. Head to our website here, to see our beautiful range of toys which are sure to be at the top of your child’s ‘want’ list!

woodland nesting babies

Leaving biodegradable glitter outside left by Santa’s sleigh

Ok, so the mince pie has been eaten, toys are under the tree, but that definitely could have been one of the parents. How do children really know if Father Christmas has been?

You can keep the magic alive and know that you aren’t damaging the environment by sprinkling biodegradable glitter outside your home, acting as the magic fairy dust that helps the sleigh to fly.

Just don’t forget to hide the glitter pot after a few mulled wines!

christmas nesting babies

Play hide the ornament

The origins of this game are a little vague, but the essence is brilliant and something that children and grown ups will love. Experts believe that glass gherkins have been hung on American Christmas trees since the late 1800s. Of course it doesn’t have to be a gherkin, this would work with any novelty Christmas decoration that simply needs to be hidden and other members of the family have to find.

We hide a white sparkly hedgehog that currently has no name, maybe we will bestow a name upon him this Christmas!

Decorate a Father Christmas plate

Is there anything cuter than a chubby little toddler handprint? Yes… one on a plate that holds treats for Santa! 

You can visit your local pottery cafe or buy kits online where you can create your own plate for Father Christmas’ mince pie and Rudolf’s carrot. As those little fingers grow, you can watch them placing the treats on the same plate year after year, a beautiful Christmas tradition.

bellami nesting babies cooking

Snuggle up with your copy of The Night Before Christmas

This book is a classic! Imagine yourself snuggled up with your brood, reading this magical Christams tale year after year. The pages might become a little crumpled, but within years to come you’ll all know all the words. If you haven’t got a copy yet… here is your nudge. We can’t promise the ‘’Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse’’ the night before Christmas though I’m afraid, little ones may just be too excited!

rosa and bo say hello


What traditions do you do every year with your family? We would love to know! Tag us in your photos on social media so we can see how you and your loved ones celebrate on the lead up to the big day!

This blog has been written by our Resident Play Expert here at Rosa & Bo, Sarah Doman. Sarah is a Hypnobirth and Early Years Expert. She helps families from pregnancy to children of school age to give birth and parent with confidence.

You can find her on social media @sarahldoman or check out her website here.

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