Welcome to Rosa & Bo
Hi, I'm Laura, mum of two and the founder of Rosa & Bo. I am passionate about creating beautiful toys that support child development and encourage making lifelong memories through play.

Our Values
We believe it’s the little moments that are the big things in life. That’s why we’re passionate about supporting baby and toddler development by creating happy memories through play and helping to inspire parents to enjoy quality time with their children. It’s this the drives us to develop fun and creative products that children and their carers revel in.
How it started....
From a very early age my toddler Sienna Rose (aka Little Rosa) would be absolutely fascinated by my Nan's traditional Matryoshka dolls.
These dolls would sit majestically on the sideboard, usually surrounded by other forbidden treasures, watching us from on high and smiling down on us somewhat smugly.
As it turns out, I was right not to leave her unattended with those traditional versions of the dolls. Whilst the charming hand-painted design might have looked picture-perfect, it tended to flake and peel. Meanwhile, the rough and jagged edges that put up quite the fight when trying to realign the intricate pattern, often splintered sharply with age.
Classic Matryoshka dolls also concealed another far more dangerous threat than the odd splinter and some cosmetic damage. The smallest of the dolls, found at the centre of the nesting set, presented a very real choking hazard for young children.
The thing was, all that serious stuff aside, the idea behind (or inside!) Matryoshka Dolls was still ever so appealing to little ones.
It was during this period of continued fascination that I saw the potential for something that was inspired by these captivating Dolls, yet more child-safe than the original.
Thats when the concept of Nesting Babies was born.
I set to work on what would become the first Matryoshka Doll inspired toy to be certified as ‘safe from birth’, our Nesting Babies.
Thanks to a combination of valuable life experience Rosa & Bo Nesting Babies are now multi-award winners with thousands of wonderful 5* reviews.
As well as being safe from birth, Rosa & Bo Nesting Babies encourage hand-to-eye co-ordination through interactive play, enhance cognitive development, promote early number concepts and boost ordering and sequencing skills from the minute they start to emerge – they do this because they are never out of reach of baby, so no stage is missed and no time wasted!
We have loved growing the range since then to include a variety of beautiful sensory development toys. All this, whilst baby and toddler get the pure hands-on joy of getting stuck-in and playing with the beautiful Rosa & Bo collection.
Laura x
The Inspiration
This is the actual set of my Nan's Matryoshka Dolls that inspired the beginning of Rosa & Bo. I inherited them when she passed away in 2019 and I truly hope that she would have been very proud with how our small business has grown.